Pack washer

    Air dryer

    Air dryer(图1)  

         Air dryer:1.2m³/2.4m³/3.6m³/6m³/10m³

      The refrigerated dryer uses the physical principle to freeze the moisture in the compressed air to below zero, so that it is an air dryer that is precipitated in the total air. Due to the freezing point temperature of water, in theory, its dew point temperature can be close to zero degrees. In practice, the dew point temperature of a good freeze dryer is about 5 degrees.

           According to the cooling method of the condenser, the air-cooled dryer can be divided into two types: air-cooled and water-based;

           According to the intake air temperature, there are high temperature intake type (below 80℃) and normal temperature intake type (about 45℃);

           According to the working pressure, it is divided into ordinary type (0.3-1.0MPa) and medium and high pressure type (above 1.2MPa).

           Many special specifications of the refrigerated dryer can be used to process non-air media, such as: carbon dioxide, natural gas, blast furnace gas, ammonia and so on.

    Air dryer(图2)Air dryer(图3)Air dryer(图4)