Pack washer

    Pneumatic air cylinder

    Pneumatic air cylinder(图1)   

               Pneumatic air cylinder

    Product introduction

      The bottle blowing machine is a device that blows the preforms made of plastic crystals into plastic bottles. The important parts in the composition of the blow molding machine are the blow molding machine cylinder. The blow molding machine cylinder drives the various parts of the blow molding machine to complete the blow molding bottle work. Each part of the blow molding machine needs a blowing cylinder. Below we will introduce the blowing machine cylinder and function of each part in detail.

    Pneumatic air cylinder(图2)

    Pneumatic air cylinder(图3)

    Pneumatic air cylinder(图4)

    Blow molding machine rotary cylinder

    The rotary cylinder is mainly used to drive the gripper to turn the preform from the upper preform structure to the conveyor belt. Because it has a rotating action function, it is called a rotary cylinder. The rotary cylinder in the blow molding machine is frequently used to ensure the stability of the equipment. Generally, manufacturers will use imported brands. At present, the brands of rotary cylinders are mainly foreign well-known brands such as Japanese SMC and German FESTO.


    Blow molding machine stepping cylinder


    The stepping cylinder in the blow molding machine is mainly to provide power drive for the preform conveyor belt. The conveyor belt unloads the preform from the preform, passes through the heating oven, and reaches the mold clamping device. After blowing the bottle, the bottle is sent to the unloading port. , to complete the transfer process.


    Blow molding machine stretching cylinder

    The stretching cylinder is mainly to provide power for the blowing stretching rod to drive the blowing bottle. The preform is placed in the clamping device, and the preform is stretched through the stretching rod, blowing with high pressure, and blowing it into a bottle.


    Summary: The above is the cylinder used in the assembly of the blow molding machine. Due to the different uses, the requirements for the cylinder are also different. Generally, the manufacturer of the blow molding machine will choose the appropriate blow molding machine cylinder according to the design and structural characteristics of the blow molding machine.